A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude towards Global Warming among B.Ed. students in a selected College of Education, Hubballi with a view to develop an Information Guide Sheet
Netra Mali, Sanjay M Peerapur, Sharon RoseGlobal warming is one of the important environmental problems since the Mid-20th century. The phenomena not only affecting human health but also plant, animals, as well as economy and unfortunately some adverse consequences like flood, heavy rain are becoming visible these days. According to best estimates the earth could warm up by a minimum of 3oC by 2100. There is a need to bring out awareness among the future teachers on what is global warming? How it affects our life, our economic prosperity and health and other welfare, hence the study aims in awareness status and attitude towards global warming. A descriptive study was conducted among 100final year B.Ed. students of KLE Society’s College of Education, Hubballi. Descriptive research design was used for the study. The sample was selected using Non-Probability; Purposive Sampling Technique. Data was collected by structured knowledge questionnaire and attitude scale. Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. Overall result of the study revealed that out of 100 subjects, majority of the subjects 57 (57%) had average knowledge, 25(25%) had good knowledge and 18(18%) had poor knowledge regarding global warming. Regarding attitude, majority of subjects 63(63%) had neutral attitude, 21(21%) had positive attitude and 16(16%) had negative attitude towards global warming. There was positive correlation (rxy=0.577) between knowledge scores and attitude scores. The study concludes that, knowledge and attitude of Final year B.Ed. students regarding global warming was just satisfactory.