DOI: 10.52711/ijnmr.2024.21 ISSN:

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Reproductive Tract Infection and its Prevention among Adolescences girls in selected Higher Secondary School Dharampur

Neha Kumari Pavar, Twinkal Vora, Jeenath Justin Doss. K.

Pre- experimental design one group pretest – posttest was used to conduct the study. The sample size were 60 patents having Adolescences Girls. The study was conducted at DNP higher secondary school. The conceptual framework was based on “General System Model”. Data was analyzed descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages.The objectives of the study were(a) To assess exiting knowledge regarding reproductive tract infection and its prevention among adolescences girls of selected higher secondary school of Dharampur.(b) To evaluate the effectiveness of the structured teaching programme regarding reproductive tract infection and it prevention among adolescences girls in selected higher secondary school Dharampur.(c) To find out the association between pretest knowledge scores with the selected socio-demographic variables regarding reproductive tract infection and its prevention among adolescences girls in selected higher secondary school Dharampur.The research approach selected for study was quantitative research approach and pre-experimental one group pretest and posttest design. The study was conducted at selected higher seconday school dharampur. Total 60 samples were selected based on non-probability purposive sampling. The researcher used structured interview schedule and structured questionnaire for data collection regarding demographic variables and pretest. The collected data were analyzed by using inferential stastical method t-test was used to evaluate the effectiveness of reproductive tract infection and its prevention among adolescences girls in selected higher secondary school dharampur. It reveled that mean score of pre test was54(90%) adolescences girls were having inadequate level of knowledge and 6(10%) of adolescences girls were having moderate level of knowledge. While in post-test 45(75%) had moderate level of knowledge and 15(25%) has adequate level of knowledge. Hence their finding of of study revealed the level of knowledge on prevention and management of selected breast complication 19.13 that was highly significance at p<0.05 level the hypothesis was accepted.

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