DOI: 10.52711/2454-2660.2023.00035 ISSN: 2454-2660

A Study to assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practices regarding Complementary Feeding among mothers of infants at rural and urban area, Navi Mumbai

Binal Patel, Vipin Patidar

Background: Complementary feeding is a gradual process starting with semisolid foods between the ages of 6 months and gradually progressing over a period of months to the age of one year, when child should be managing similar food to the rest of the family. The healthy child represents the sound relationship of physical, mental, social and psychological development and maintains a good balance among the variables of the life. Healthy child always belongs to the healthy food or he/she is a symbol of healthy environment. Good nutrition is essential for the comprehensive development of child.1 Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge of mothers regarding complementary feeding. 2. To assess the practices of mothers about complementary feeding. 3. To compare the effectiveness of structure teaching programme in terms of knowledge gain among mothers on complementary feeding at rural and urban area. 4. To find out the association between knowledge and practices of mothers regarding complementary feeding with selected specific demographic variables. Hypothesis: H0- There is no significant difference between the mean pre-test and post-test knowledge and practice among mothers regarding complementary feeding. H1- There will be a significant difference between area of study, level of knowledge and practice among mothers regarding complementary feeding. H2- The mean post –test knowledge regarding complementary feeding will be significantly higher than the mean pre-test knowledge. H3-There will be significant association between the selected demographic variables and the mean knowledge of mothers regarding complementary feeding. Materials and methods: The data were collected from 30 mothers, out of which 15 from urban area (ramabai and sambhaji nagar) and 15 from rural area (wavanje village), by using A non probability convenient sampling technique, , semi-structured questionnaire were used to assess knowledge and rating scale was used to assess practices related to complementary feeding. Result: The overall mean score for pre knowledge of rural mothers were 1.95 while in urban it was 2.1, After giving structured teaching programme the knowledge of rural mother increased by 2.1 while in urban it increased by 2.7. The overall mean score for pre practice of rural mothers were 1.50 while in urban it was 1.53. After giving structured teaching programme the practice of rural mother improved by 1.53 while in urban it was1.47.

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