DOI: 10.52711/2454-2660.2023.00034 ISSN: 2454-2660

A Study to Assess the Attitude regarding Online Learning Method among B.Sc. Nursing students in selected Nursing College’s of Navi Mumbai

Saisagar Kshirsagar

Aim: 1. To assess the attitude regarding online learning method among B. Sc nursing students. 2. To find out the association between attitude regarding online learning method with selected demographic variables. Material and method: The research approach and design were quantitative descriptive. The subjects were 220 students of Nursing and probability sampling method (systematic random sampling technique) was used for selection criteria. Data was collected using demographic data profile, attitude questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The overall result of present study states that it reveals that maximum 57.3% of age group belongs to 21-23 years. 84.1% of group belongs to maximum female category. 39.5% of group belongs to fourth year class is maximum. 35.9% of family monthly income was less than (10001-20000). 72.3% of students resident in urban area. Education status of father was 40.9% and mother 44.1% belongs to secondary (5th to 10th). 73.2% students are day scholar and 97.3% students are using android device. 80.5% are using mobile broadband and 37.3% are using zoom platform. It was found that attitude level regarding online learning method reveals that majority 94.5% were having neutral attitude with mean 124.43, and SD 12.66. There is no significant association between attitude level with selected demographic variables regarding online learning among nursing students.

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