A Study to Assess Knowledge and Attitude Towards Nursing Profession Among Class XI and XII Standard Students in Selected Schools of West Bengal
Debalina Das, Sonali GangulyNursing is one of the oldest and noblest profession. Nursing is the profession that combines physical science, social science, nursing theory and technology. Nursing is seemed to have numerous career advantages. These include there is the demand for nurses, many job opportunity, many choices in different speciality area. So, a study to assess knowledge and attitude among class XI and XII standard students towards nursing profession and find co-relation between knowledge and attitude among class XI and XII standard students towards nursing profession. Quantitative descriptive survey research approach was adopted to collect data from 176 students selected by non-probability convenience sampling technique. Demographic proforma, structured knowledge questionnaire and 4-point rating scale were administered by self-report method to collect data. Findings revealed that majority 110(62.50%) students have inadequate knowledge and majority 123(69.89%) students have negative attitude towards nursing profession. Present study have several implications in nursing practice, education, administration and research. The study concluded that most of the students have inadequate knowledge and negative attitude towards nursing profession. The present study recommended to conduct further studies on determine the preparedness of senior secondary students for work as a professional nurse. Key words: Knowledge, Attitude, Class XI and XII standard students