DOI: 10.52403/ijrr.20240157 ISSN: 2349-9788

A Study on the Relationship Between English Test Scores in the Vietnamese National High School Graduation and VNU Competency Assessment Results

Thi Loan Ly, Thi Nga Le
  • General Mathematics

At present, English is undoubtedly the most popular foreign language in Vietnam due to the increasing international economic integration of Vietnam. Over the past few decades, English has emerged as a lingua franca and the dominant foreign language in the fast developing and populous society of Vietnam. This study aims to investigate the relationship between scores of English test in the Vietnamese National High School Graduation Exam (VNHSGE) and Vietnam National University (VNU) High-school Competency Assessment Exam (HSA) in 2023. English language test scores were collected from 2,178 high-school students participating in the VNHSGE and VNU HSA. The histogram was first used to study the distribution of English test scores in the Vietnamese national high school graduation. Scatter plots and correlation analysis were then employed to investigate the relationship between scores of English test in the Vietnamese National High School Graduation and VNU Competency Exams. Finally, results and main findings were discussed and summarized. It was found that the distribution of English test results in the VNHSGE was skewed to the right. In addition, the positive correlation coefficient of 0.33 were identified for the relationship between scores of English test in the VNHSGE and VNU HSA in 2023 presenting that candidates with good foreign language ability have high scores on the HSA exam. Keywords: Relationship, English Test Scores, Vietnamese National High School Graduation Exam, VNU Competency Assessment Results.

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