Ameena Febin T

A Study on Consumer Preferences towards Android and iOS

  • General Medicine

Now mobile users prefer to use mainly mobile applications rather than browsers for accessing mobile services. Android and iOS are today’s two major OS who have been fighting out in the market for the big bite. Nokia has been traditionally dominated by the Indian mobile market. Application markets have grown swiftly as a result of investing user interest in mobile applications. Measuring and analyzing users perceptions in mobile application is the main focus of the study and it discusses how different operating systems being used affect the user preferences. The main contribution of this paper is to explore users' attitudes towards mobile app. Moreover, whether the gender factor and operating system (OS) being used on a user’s mobile device has any connection with that user’s insight of the applications is investigated as an issue not explored in previous studies Findings of this article may help different sectors people like service providers, business models developers and also the actors of m commerce market. Since the m-commerce market gains importance every day and provides more potential for new commerce trends, the findings of this study will be valuable for further research.

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