Koustav Pal, Joshua D. Kuban, Ravi Murthy, Bruno C. Odisio, Zeyad A. Metwalli

A Sticky Situation: Glue Migration during Hepatic Vein Embolization

  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging

AbstractThe addition of hepatic venous embolization to portal venous embolization to achieve ipsilateral liver venous deprivation before major hepatectomy has been suggested to increase the extent of hypertrophy of the future liver remnant. The presented case discusses a hepatic vein embolization procedure complicated by the unintended migration of a glue cast used to achieve hepatic venous occlusion and subsequent management with endovascular retrieval of the glue cast from the inferior vena cava. The emerging role of hepatic venous embolization and associated complications are also discussed.

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