DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stae2742 ISSN: 0035-8711

A Spectrophotometric analysis and dust properties of classical nova V5584 Sgr

Mohit Singh Bisht, A Raj, F M Walter, D Bisht, Gargi Shaw, K Belwal, S Biswas


In this work, optical observations of the nova V5584 Sgr are presented. These observations cover different phases including pre-maximum, early decline, and nebular. The spectra are dominated by hydrogen Balmer, Fe II, and O I lines with P-Cygni profiles in the early phase, which are subsequently observed in complete emission. The presence of numerous Fe II lines and low ejecta velocity aligns with the Fe II type nova classification. From optical and NIR colors it is clear that this nova manifests dust formation in the ejecta. The dust temperature and mass were estimated from a spectral energy distribution (SED) fit to the JHK band magnitudes and the WISE data. Light curve analysis shows t2 and t3 values of ∼ 26 and ∼ 48 days, classifying the nova as moderately fast. The physical and chemical properties during early decline and later phases were evaluated using the photoionization code CLOUDY. The best-fit model parameters from two epochs of multiwavelength spectra are compatible with a hot white dwarf source with a roughly constant luminosity of ∼ (2.08 ± 0.10) × 1036 erg s−1. We find an ejected mass of ∼ (1.59 ± 0.04) × 10−4M⊙. Abundance analysis indicates that the ejecta is significantly enriched relative to solar values, with O/H = 30.2, C/H = 10.8, He/H = 1.8, Mg/H = 1.68, Na/H = 1.55, and N/H = 45.5 in the early decline phase, and O/H = 4.5, Ne/H = 1.5, and N/H = 24.5 in the nebular phase.

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