DOI: 10.2166/wp.2023.105 ISSN: 1366-7017

A socio-ecological evaluation of the conservation efforts in the Nevado de Toluca protected area, Mexico: Governmental performance and local community perception from a rural context

Karla Isabel Rivera Ramírez, Angela Piedad Caro Borrero, Javier Carmona Jiménez
  • Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
  • Water Science and Technology
  • Geography, Planning and Development


Protected areas (PA) are the main conservation instrument in Latin America, but rural communities are rarely integrated into decision-making. In Mexico, many conflicts fall on guaranteeing equitable access to resources for locals against private economic interests. The aim of this manuscript was to present a strategy to evaluate the functioning of the PA at the socio-ecological perspective, including three phases: diagnosis, evaluation of the conservation instrument, and intervention proposal. The results show that the PA was recategorized without adequate characterization of the problem to achieve conservation; therefore, its impact has been biased and the development of large-scale activities has been favored and locals have been excluded. This scenario left the migration of men to cities in search of work and women and children facing unequal management of natural resources. In terms of aquatic ecological quality, indicators show signs of degradation that have not been able to be improved through the management plan. The activities proposed in the annual operational plans are unrealistic since there is no support and training for the communities. We propose participatory monitoring as a strategy for the empowerment of communities in the use of water resources and as a cohesive element between government policies and local needs.

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