Komal P. Shinde, Akash D. Rajmane

A Review UV Method Development and Validation

  • General Medicine

Ultraviolet spectroscopy is one important and advanced analytical instrument in the Pharmaceutical industry and used for the last 35 years. The method of analysis is based on measuring the absorption of monochromatic light by colorless compounds in the near-ultraviolet path of the spectrum (200-400nm). The pharmaceutical analysis comprises the procedures necessary to determine such compounds' “identity, strength, quality, and purity”. It also includes the analysis of raw materials and intermediates during the manufacturing process of drugs. The fundamental principle of operation of a spectrophotometer covering the UV region consists that light of a definite interval of wavelength passes through a cell with solvent and falls onto the photoelectric cell that transforms the radiant energy into electrical energy measured by a galvanometer. Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy is used to obtain the absorbance spectra of a compound in solution or as a solid.

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