DOI: 10.54565/jphcfum.1537050 ISSN: 2651-3080

A review on the effect of alloying element on physical properties of Cu-Al-Mn Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy Material

Safar Saeed Mohammed, Rezhaw Abdalla Qadir, Ayoub Sabir Karim, Mediha Kök
One of the best type of smart materials is magnetic shape memory alloy due to their unique combination of magnetic and shape memory properties that this combination of these two properties has given them the opportunity to have more applications in modern technology than many other types of materials. Among all types of magnetic shape memory alloy materials Cu-Al-Mn alloy is more focused on by researchers and scientists because it has some unique properties. Also, the behaviors of Cu-Al-Mn alloy can improve by some techniques, one of these techniques is adding the fourth element into it. In this study the structure and some important properties of Cu-Al-Mn magnetic shape memory alloy material was studied and the effect of adding element by alloying process on the behaviors of Cu-Al-Mn magnetic shape memory alloy material such as transformation-temperature, grain size, superelastisity, and hardness has been reviewed.

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