DOI: 10.48175/ijarsct-14317 ISSN: 2581-9429

A Review on Student Tracking System in School Bus using Face Recogintion and IOT

Hadawale V. B., Iskande R. S., Iskande S. S., Prof. Pawar S. H., Prof. Bangar A. P.
  • General Medicine

School buses are the main way kids get to school every day. The Student Tracking System in School Bus Using Face Recognition and IoT is a smart idea to make school transportation safer and better. This system uses fancy technology to watch over students while they’re on the bus. It uses facial recognition to figure out who’s getting on and off the bus. Each student’s face is put into the system, and it checks if they’re the right person in real-time. The bus also has special devices connected to the internet (IoT) to track where it is in real-time using GPS. This helps parents, school people, and transportation folks see where the bus is and where it’s going. The Student Tracking System in School Bus Using Face Recognition and IoT is a super modern solution to make school transportation safer and more efficient

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