Rakesh Manna, Pinki Verma

A Review on Saraca indica – for Immunomodulatory activity

  • General Medicine

Plants have been used since very ancient times to control and/or combat different problems related to human physiology. The use of plant-based medicines for healing is ancient as well as universal. Until the dawn of this century, natural products have been used as the mainstay of all medicines globally. There are reports that plants contain remedies for various diseases including AIDS, cancer, and diabetes. Saraca indica also known as ‘Ashoka’ is one of the most ancient and sacred trees of India and known for its’ various pharmacological properties like anti menorrhagic, anti-cancer, anti oxytoxic, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, anti–microbial activity. The immune system is a remarkably sophisticated defense system within the vertebrates, to protect them from various invading agents and Immunomodulators are the substances that can support the immune function by modifying, in a beneficial way, the immune system’s response to a threat. Herbal drugs possess immunomodulatory property and generally act by stimulating both specific and non specific immunity. The presented review is an attempt to focus on the immunomodulatory activity of Saraca indica.

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