Umair Akhtar, Anjali M. Wankhade, Jugalkishor V. Vyas, Vivek V. Paithankar

A Review on: Phytoconstituents, Traditional and Medicinal uses of Taraxacum offinale (Dandelion)

  • General Medicine

Since 5000 BC, medicinal plants have been used in India as part of the Ayurvedic medical system. Medical professionals frequently use herbal remedies. Taraxacum officinale, commonly called dandelion, is a perennial plant belonging to the family Asteraceae. It is also known as wet-a-bed, lion’s tooth, priest’s crown, blowball, milk gowan, wild endive, white endive, puffball, and Irish daisy. Long and upright flowering stalks with a single terminal inflorescence are present. It has numerous medicinal properties due to phytochemicals found in the plant's flower, leaf, stem, and roots. Sesquiterpenes found in dandelion root extracts. The root also includes a number of phenolic substances. The two sesquiterpenes taraxinic acid b-Dglucopyranoside and 11, 13-dihydrotaraxinic acid b-Dglucopyranoside An extract of combined dandelion leaves and flowers has been found to contain a number of flavonoid glycosides. Dandelion roots and leaves have historically been used to treat liver issues. Additionally, Native Americans used dandelion to treat heartburn, swelling, skin issues, kidney disease, and upset stomach. Research has been conducted to back up the descriptions of taraxacum that have been made so far. Up to doses of 10 g/kg (per oral) and 4 g/kg (intraperitoneal) of dried drug -per kilogramme body weight- in rats and mice, ethanolic extracts demonstrated very low toxicity.

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