Jayhind L Bharti, Anjali M Wankhade, J V Vyas, Vivek V Paithankar, Pratiksha R Morey

A Review on Current and Novel Treatment Regimen on Luminal A Breast Cancer

  • General Medicine

The second-leading cause of cancer-related death in women is breast cancer, which is the most prevalent disease among females. The majority of breast cancers (about 70%) fall under the luminal A subtype, which is indicated by the presence of the estrogen receptor (ER +) but not by the amplified human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2). The understanding of breast cancer has advanced with the identification of various intrinsic subtypes. This review focuses on the landscape of the luminal A subtype, its standard treatment regimen, under process clinical trial and the novel treatment regimens of luminal A breast cancer. OTUD7B oestrogen receptor stabiliser, BTG2 as a tumour target, CCAT2 in Regulating Luminal Subtype of Breast Cancer, and miRNA Expression Profiles in Luminal A Breast Cancer are some of the newer therapies for luminal A breast cancer that are discussed in this review. The ideal course of treatment for people with luminal A-subtype cancers is still unknown in the age of precision medicine. Our ability to actualize the promise of precision medicine—the correct treatment, for the right patient, at the right time—will be made possible by the development of tumour panels to examine these validated biomarkers. These unique tumour traits will become more significant in deciding the best course of treatment for each individual patient in the current era of precision medicine, where the aim is to neither overtreat nor undertreat patients. However, more thorough investigation is required in this area.

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