DOI: 10.3390/f14081545 ISSN: 1999-4907

A Review on Acoustics of Wood as a Tool for Quality Assessment

Voichita Bucur
  • Forestry

Acoustics is a field with significant application in wood science and technology for the classification and grading, through non-destructive tests, of a large variety of products from standing trees to building structural elements and musical instruments. In this review article the following aspects are treated: (1) The theoretical background related to acoustical characterization of wood as an orthotropic material. We refer to the wave propagation in anisotropic media, to the wood anatomic structure and propagation phenomena, to the velocity of ultrasonic waves and the elastic constants of an orthotropic solid. The acoustic methods for the determination of the elastic constants of wood range from the low frequency domain to the ultrasonic domain using direct contact techniques or ultrasonic spectroscopy. (2) The acoustic and ultrasonic methods for quality assessment of trees, logs, lumber and structural timber products. Scattering-based techniques and ultrasonic tomography are used for quality assessment of standing trees and green logs. The methods are based on scanning stress waves using dry-point-contact ultrasound or air-coupled ultrasound and are discussed for quality assessment of structural composite timber products and for delamination detection in wood-based composite boards. (3) The high-power ultrasound as a field with important potential for industrial applications such as wood drying and other applications. (4) The methods for the characterization of acoustical properties of the wood species used for musical instrument manufacturing, wood anisotropy, the quality of wood for musical instruments and the factors of influence related to the environmental conditions, the natural aging of wood and the effects of long-term loading by static or dynamic regimes on wood properties. Today, the acoustics of wood is a branch of wood science with huge applications in industry.

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