DOI: 10.1177/03009858231189298 ISSN: 0300-9858

A review of cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions in dogs: A diagnostician’s guide to allergy

Charles W. Bradley, Elizabeth A. Mauldin, Daniel O. Morris
  • General Veterinary

Allergic dermatoses are common in people and domestic animals. Resultant lesions are routinely biopsied and submitted for histological examination to confirm a diagnosis or rule out diseases with overlapping or atypical clinical features. Diagnostic pathologists and clinicians are often faced with the difficult task of determining whether an allergic reaction pattern is present on both the microscopic and macroscopic levels and correlating histopathologic findings with clinical and historical data to achieve a precise clinical diagnosis. The bulk of the current veterinary literature on allergic dermatoses focuses on atopic dermatitis in dogs, distantly followed by cats, horses, and other animals. The objectives of this review are to demonstrate the key histopathologic and clinical diagnostic features of the various allergy-mediated reaction patterns, and to provide diagnosticians with a practical guide for clinicopathological correlations. Current concepts in the pathophysiology of immediate hypersensitivity reactions, with a focus on atopic dermatitis, are discussed. Points of potential histopathologic overlap between the “classic” allergic reaction pattern and less common inflammatory, predominately eosinophilic, conditions that may mimic this pattern will be discussed with the goal of highlighting the critical need for collaboration between pathologists and clinicians in furthering patient care.

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