A pilot study of US HTC physical therapists' concordance of PT MASAC recommendations and educational needs
Lena Volland, Cindy Nichols, Maria E. Santaella, Angela Lambing, Kate Nammacher, Neil Frick- Genetics (clinical)
- Hematology
- General Medicine
Physical therapists (PTs) are essential providers within the Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs) team caring for persons with inherited blood disorders (PWBD).
Little is known regarding PTs understanding and concordance of MASAC PT Recommendations (MASAC#238), educational resources used to maintain competency and support for a mentorship programme.
PTs at federally funded HTCs were eligible to participate in a descriptive non‐validated study exploring: (i) demographics, (ii) educational background, (iii) experience in evaluation and treatment of PWBD, (iv) practice patterns indicative of concordance with MASAC#238 and (v) opinion regarding PT mentorship.
Respondents experience caring for PWBD ranged 1–36 years, treating both adults and children. Although most acknowledged awareness of MASAC#238, dropout (14/44, 31.8%) was noted; 28/30 (93.3%) who continued were aware of the recommendations. Level of concordance with MASAC#238 varied (range 64.3%–96.2%) regarding: signs/symptoms, treatment of muscle/joint bleeding and pre/post synovectomy and knee replacement treatment. Many PTs identified patients as individual and unique, thus not all recommendations may apply. PTs utilised available educational programmes. No relationships were noted regarding years of practice, education and years caring for PWBD. All respondents favoured a mentorship programme citing benefits, but also outlined barriers.
Provision of necessary financial support for optimal function of a full‐time PT within the HTC can enhance standards of care for PWBD. Supporting educational opportunities may enhance concordance with current MASAC PT Recommendations. Respondents valued development of a structured, hands‐on mentorship programme. MASAC#23 has recently been updated in May 2023 to MASAC#275.