DOI: 10.3390/ma17246074 ISSN: 1996-1944

A Novel Objective Method for Steel Degradation Rate Evaluation

Justyna Kasińska, Paweł Malinowski, Piotr Matusiewicz, Włodzimierz Makieła, Leopold Barwicki, Dana Bolibruchova

This article introduces a novel approach for assessing microstructure, particularly its degradation after extended operation. The authors focus on creep processes in power plant components, highlighting the importance of diagnostics in this field. This article emphasizes the value of combining traditional microstructure observation techniques with image analysis. A non-destructive method of evaluating microstructure parameters (matrix replicas) is presented, and its accuracy is evaluated against the conventional destructive method. The assessment utilizes quantitative data derived from classical stereological principles and image analysis. Parameters like mean chord length, relative surface area, mean cross-sectional area, and mean equivalent diameter are compared for replica and metallographic specimens. The results show that the replica method accurately reproduces the microstructure. In their conclusions, the authors highlight the importance of developing visual methods alongside the application of artificial intelligence while indicating the challenges in achieving this goal.

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