C. Lawrence Kien

A Metabolic Bed for Collecting Excreta in Premature Infants

  • Gastroenterology
  • Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

SummaryA mattress and plastic bed for collection of urine and feces in premature infants housed in isolettes is described. The dimensions of the bed are 65.5 x 34.4 x 13.5 cm. A drainage hole is located 18 cm from the foot of the bed and midway (16.5 cm) from either side. The angle of the depression in the bed for the drainage hole is approximately 12.5°. The bed is covered with a plastic‐backed foam rubber mattress. The plastic surface on which the infant lies is impervious to water. The method of excreta collection using the bed does not involve the need for restraints; urine and/or feces are washed off the undiapered infant and the bed into a container beneath the drainage hole. The bed has been well tolerated in over 30 studies of 4 days duration, and laboratory experiments with urine and feces applied to the mattress for 15–60 min have indicated excellent recovery of total nitrogen.

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