DOI: 10.48175/ijarsct-15311 ISSN: 2581-9429

A Literature Survey on Recipe Generation From Food Images using AIML

Tejas D, Varun C M
  • General Medicine

The "Recipe Generation from Food Images" project introduces an innovative approach to culinary technology by leveraging deep learning techniques to automatically analyze food images and generate comprehensive cooking recipes. The system's key components include crafting catchy titles, compiling detailed ingredient lists, and outlining step-by-step cooking instructions. Targeting individuals intrigued by enticing food imagery but lacking the expertise or inspiration to recreate dishes, the project offers a user-friendly solution to bridge this gap. Ultimately, it aims to contribute to culinary technology by providing a valuable tool for cooking enthusiasts and researchers, catering to the evolving needs of contemporary culinary experiences. Through its utilization of advanced deep learning methodologies, the project seeks to democratize access to culinary knowledge and inspire creativity in the realm of home cooking.

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