A discussion on the scientificity of the theory of vital principle as a relativistic phenomenon and the concept of minimum dose
Rajaganapathy Lingeswaran- Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
The cell theory, gene theory, evolution, homeostasis, and laws of thermodynamics are the five fundamental principles of biology. The vital principle collectively denotes these five basic principles. However, the energy or information on its own is insufficient to make life. Energy, information and preservation of information are necessary for the existence of life. The biological process of adaptation to environmental influences also helps the preservation process. All these provide evidence that the vital principle is relativistic. Similarly, Dr. Hahnemann advises that the smallest possible dose itself is sufficient to cure the disease. However, Hahnemann has not defined what exactly this ‘smallest possible dose’ or ‘minimum dose’ means, due to which there is ambiguity among homoeopaths. In his earlier periods of medical practice, he used mother tinctures and mother solutions to treat the patient. He encountered severe aggravations, which compelled him to dilute the medicine to avoid aggravation. However, low- and ultra-high dilutions of homoeopathic medicine have been observed to act on the five fundamental biological principles within the closed system (for example, epigenetic modification). Relating and using these well-established scientific principles help us to create better scientific homoeopathy. Thus, the vital principle is observed to have a relativistic phenomenon and the concept of minimum dose has been observed to be correlated with the principles of biology.