DOI: 10.1111/sms.14462 ISSN: 0905-7188

A comparison of two pre‐race medical screening tools in 5771 running race entrants—SAFER XXVIII

Jordan Leppan, Martin Schwellnus, Nicola Sewry, Jeremy Boulter, Dina (Christa) Janse van Rensburg, Marlise Dyer, Esme Jordaan
  • Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
  • Orthopedics and Sports Medicine



To determine if two pre‐race screening tools (abbreviated tool of two open‐ended pre‐race medical screening questions [ABBR] vs. a full pre‐race medical screening tool [FULL]) identify running race entrants at higher risk for medical encounters (MEs) on race day.


5771 consenting race entrants completed both an ABBR and a FULL pre‐race screening questionnaire for the 2018 Comrades Marathon (90 km). ABBR tool questions were (1) allergies, and (2) known medical conditions and/or prescription medication use. The FULL tool included multiple domains of questions for chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease (CVD), symptoms, risk factors, allergies and medication use. ABBR responses were manually coded and compared to the FULL tool. The prevalence (%: 95%CI), and the test for equality of prevalence of entrants identified by the ABBR vs. FULL tool is reported.


The ABBR identified fewer entrants with allergies (ABBR = 7.9%; FULL = 10.4%: p = 0.0001) and medical conditions/medication use (ABBR = 8.9%; FULL = 27.4%: p = 0.0001). The ABBR tool significantly under‐reported entrants with history of cardiovascular disease (CVD), CVD risk factors, other chronic diseases and prescription medication vs. the FULL tool (p = 0.0001). The ABBR tool identified fewer entrants in the “high” (ABBR = 3.4%; FULL = 12.4%) and “very high” risk (ABBR = 0.5%; FULL = 3.4%) categories for race day MEs (p = 0.0001).


An abbreviated pre‐race screening tool significantly under‐estimates chronic medical conditions, allergies, and race entrants at higher risk for MEs on race day, compared with a full comprehensive screening tool. We recommend that a full pre‐race medical screening tool be used to identify race entrants at risk for MEs.

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