A Comparative Study of Hand Arm Bimanual Intensive Therapy and Neurodevelopmental Therapy on Improving Upper Extremity Function in Children with Spastic Hemiplegia
Premalatha. E, Vishnupriya. R, Ferdinand. R- General Medicine
AIM: To examine the efficacy of hand arm bimanual intensive therapy and neurodevelopmental therapy on improving upper extremity functions such as gross manual dexterity and bimanual performance of daily functioning in children with spastic hemiplegia. METHOD:Thirty children with spastic hemiplegia, aged 6 to 12 years, classified in levels II to IV of manual ability classification system, were selected by convenience sampling method based on inclusion criteria. The treatment duration was 6 months. There are divided into three groups, each 10 in a group. Group A assigned to HABIT (n=10, 2hrs-1hr intensive therapy& 1hr home program,5 days/week), Group B assigned to NDT (n=10, 45 mis, 5days/week) and Group C control group customary care. Box and block test for gross manual dexterity and Weefim scale for assessing the independence in activities of daily living are measured. RESULT: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated significant improvement in outcome measures P< 0.01. Children participating in HABIT showed greater improvement in daily functioning compared with neuro developmental therapy and control group. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that the HABIT training protocol most efficacious for improving upper extremity function in children with spastic hemiplegia. Key words: Hand arm bimanual intensive therapy, neurodevelopmental therapy, gross manual dexterity weefim scale, ADL, Box &block test.