A class of strongly convergent subgradient extragradient methods for solving quasimonotone variational inequalities
Habib ur Rehman, Poom Kumam, Murat Ozdemir, Isa Yildirim, Wiyada Kumam- General Mathematics
The primary goal of this research is to investigate the approximate numerical solution of variational inequalities using quasimonotone operators in infinite-dimensional real Hilbert spaces. In this study, the sequence obtained by the proposed iterative technique for solving quasimonotone variational inequalities converges strongly toward a solution due to the viscosity-type iterative scheme. Furthermore, a new technique is proposed that uses an inertial mechanism to obtain strong convergence iteratively without the requirement for a hybrid version. The fundamental benefit of the suggested iterative strategy is that it substitutes a monotone and non-monotone step size rule based on mapping (operator) information for its Lipschitz constant or another line search method. This article also provides a numerical example to demonstrate how each method works.