DOI: 10.1177/10901981231177085 ISSN: 1090-1981

A Call for a Transformative Public Health Training: The Necessity of Abolition

Haley Lipo Zovic, Taylor Riley, Esrea Sandon Perez-Bill, Nishita Dsouza, Christine Mitchell
  • Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  • Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)

The societal distrust of public health alongside the complex, intersecting, and large public health crises of today and our future requires a transformation of the education of the next generation of public health leaders. The field of public health’s goals of health equity for all cannot be advanced until our field interrogates and resists the prison industrial complex (PIC), which maintains White supremacy and (re)produces health inequities. As current and former public health students, we propose incorporating abolition of the PIC as a political vision, structural and power analysis, and organizing strategy into the public health curriculum. We highlight gaps in the public health curriculum and the existing similarities between stated goals of abolition and public health. We propose calls to action for individuals, faculty, and schools of public health to interrogate the carceral nature of public health and work toward contributing to the positive project of an abolitionist future.

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