A better quality of high-speed software encoder for an aerogenerator-based PMSM machine
Mohamed F Elnaggar, Aymen Flah, Mohamed Kaana, Dina MouradWind energy systems are based on a synchronous machine, which can support a high-speed rotation case due to possible high wind coming speeds. The machines used are affiliated with permanent magnet machines, and it seems that when the speed becomes high, speed detection can be difficult if a software application is adapted. This difficulty appears when the high speeds come, as the motor temperature will increase, which can influence motor parameters, especially the stator resistance. This will influence the proposed speed software estimator robustness. The proposed high-speed estimator algorithm is based on the model reference adaptive system MRAS estimation method, which can be used for motor speed estimation. The proposed MRAS concept was based on the reactive power model, which ensures the robustness of the estimator in facing any possible stator resistance variation, even at very high speeds. This MRAS estimator was tuned by the particle optimization algorithm to avoid the regulator parameter identification problem. So, this concept was modelled and mathematically defined, and then tested by implementation on the Matlab tool and on a real machine prototype which can operate a high-speed rotated load. The stability analysis of the overall speed encoder is also shown in various speed regions, and practice lab application is presented and discussed to show the success of the proposed high-speed control scheme. The results were depicted under 42000 rpm (eq to 600 Hz), and the proposed speed estimator demonstrated good behavior, and a lesser estimator error was evaluated at 50 Hz as the maximum speed error.