3D Path Planning Algorithms in UAV-Enabled Communications Systems: A Mapping Study
Jorge Carvajal-Rodriguez, Marco Morales, Christian Tipantuña- Computer Networks and Communications
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with communication technologies have gained significant attention as a promising solution for providing wireless connectivity in remote, disaster-stricken areas lacking communication infrastructure. However, enabling UAVs to provide communications (e.g., UAVs acting as flying base stations) in real scenarios requires the integration of various technologies and algorithms. In particular 3D path planning algorithms are crucial in determining the optimal path free of obstacles so that UAVs in isolation or forming networks can provide wireless coverage in a specific region. Considering that most of the existing proposals in the literature only address path planning in a 2D environment, this paper systematically studies existing path-planning solutions in UAVs in a 3D environment in which optimization models (optimal and heuristics) have been applied. This paper analyzes 37 articles selected from 631 documents from a search in the Scopus database. This paper also presents an overview of UAV-enabled communications systems, the research questions, and the methodology for the systematic mapping study. In the end, this paper provides information about the objectives to be minimized or maximized, the optimization variables used, and the algorithmic strategies employed to solve the 3D path planning problem.