G Gill, I Wilkinson, S Collins, J Preston


  • Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Aging
  • General Medicine

Abstract Background The MDTea is a free open access medical education podcast designed for all healthcare professionals caring for older adults. To date there are 120 episodes. Introduction/Method The MDTea Podcast has CPD survey logs on its website where listeners who access the website can record their learning and receive a CPD certificate, Listeners provide their professional roles. Listener numbers for episodes were much higher than those recorded in the CPD log, so alternative measures were sought to understand who listens to the podcast. Series 11 was released in January to July 2022 and was themed around ‘A Day in the Life’ of health professionals working with older adults in the hospital environment. The MDTea Podcast Twitter account had 6333 followers before series 11 release and has good discussion and engagement with followers, and is regularly tagged in other geriatrics care from discussion by professionals. Measuring the followership and social network of the account may be useful to understand the MDTea’s place in the social network of UK care of older adults healthcare. Therefore with each episode release the new follower numbers and if available self-identified professional roles of each were recorded and counted. Results Over the course of the 11th series, the MDTea Podcast twitter account gained 432 new followers, from 22 different self-defined professional groups who engaged with our social media.121 followers did not identify their title. In contrast 12 self-identified professions were recorded in our series 11 CPD log results from 30 responses. Conclusion This work has demonstrated the wide range of professionals that engage with FOAMed resources produced by the MDTea. Given the breadth of professionals working in elderly care roles in both primary and secondary settings, having an understanding content users can enable authors to design content that is appropriate for their audience.

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