Using the keywords Field in BibTeX for Effective Tagging and Filtering in CiteDrive

Adding Keywords to CiteDrive References in Bibtex

To enrich your references in CiteDrive and enhance their searchability, you can add keywords or tags directly to your bibtex entries. This can be done using the keywords field. Here’s how:

title = {Your Article Title},
author = {Author, A. and Author, B.},
year = {2023},
journal = {Journal Name},
keywords = {tag1, tag2, ...}

Replace your_reference_id, Your Article Title, and other placeholder information with your actual reference details. Add as many keywords as you want, separated by commas.

Filtering References by Keywords

Once you’ve added keywords to your bibtex entries in CiteDrive, you can effortlessly filter your references and search results based on these keywords. This makes finding and organizing your references a breeze.

Example Video:

Why We Use the keywords Field as a Way to Add Tags

The decision to use the keywords field in CiteDrive as a method for tagging wasn’t arbitrary. Our main considerations were:

  1. Filtered Bibliographies with BibLaTeX: By harnessing the keywords field, users can easily produce bibliographies in BibLaTeX filtered by specific criteria. This proves invaluable for researchers and writers wanting to segment references based on distinct themes or subjects.
  2. Consistency Across Programs: Ensuring a homogeneous .bib file is essential, especially for those employing multiple reference management tools. By leveraging the keywords field, CiteDrive makes sure that your .bib file remains consistent, whether you’re using it alone or alongside tools like JabRef.

Our choice to use the keywords field for tagging stems from our commitment to delivering a versatile and user-friendly experience on CiteDrive.

New to CiteDrive?

CiteDrive is your go-to solution for online literature management. If you’re unfamiliar with what it offers, here’s a brief rundown:

Need a simple solution for managing your BibTeX entries? Explore CiteDrive!

  • Web-based, modern reference management
  • Collaborate and share with fellow researchers
  • Integration with Overleaf
  • Comprehensive BibTeX/BibLaTeX support
  • Save articles and websites directly from your browser
  • Search for new articles from a database of tens of millions of references
Try out CiteDrive
  • BibTeX Format: CiteDrive primarily uses the BibTeX format, which is the standard for literature databases in LaTeX environments. This makes it compatible with LaTeX editors like Overleaf, TeXShop, TeXmaker, and TeXstudio. Furthermore, it’s also in tune with Markdown editors such as RStudio (R Markdown/ Quarto), zettlr,, VS Code, Atom, and Typora.
  • Project-Based Organization: With CiteDrive, you can organize your literature based on projects. This feature is excellent for those who have various writings in progress, be it essays, papers, books, or other academic works.
  • Collaborative Features: Available as a browser app, CiteDrive enables users to invite peers to their projects. This collaboration feature ensures that teams can create, maintain, and provide feedback on a shared literature database effectively.
  • Direct BibTeX Support: CiteDrive isn’t just about compatibility; it directly supports BibTeX. This backing ensures users have access to unique types, fields, citation keys, extensions, and even alternatives like BibLaTeX, Natbib, and Jurabib.
  • Expansive Database: On CiteDrive, you’re never short of resources. The platform provides access to a vast array of articles and books, all available and ready to be added in the BibTeX format.
  • Browser Extensions: For those who frequently find resources online, CiteDrive’s browser extensions for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox are invaluable. With a single click, save articles, web pages, or blog posts as a BibTeX bookmark.
  • Integration with Overleaf: One of CiteDrive’s standout features is its seamless integration with Overleaf. Users can easily filter and insert references (BibTeX entries) into their Overleaf projects. Plus, any changes made in CiteDrive get auto-synchronized with Overleaf, ensuring that your references are always up-to-date.

For anyone serious about literature management, especially in the academic realm, CiteDrive is a must-have tool.