DOI: 10.52403/ijhsr.20240439 ISSN: 2249-9571

EXPO-IEC for General Public with Cardiac Risk: A Heart Friendly Diet to Reduce Cardiovascular Problem in Community Area

Priyadarshini R, Maria Therese A, Nandhini T
  • General Medicine

Background: Cardiovascular diseases are major and growing contributors to mortality and disability. Today's major concern is young adults with cardiovascular disease and CVD risk factors. With the help of proper health education and early detection, 90% of CVD and development of its risk factors are preventable. The aim of the study was to evaluate the Effectiveness of Exhibition cum Information Education and Communication (EXPO-IEC) on Knowledge and Practice regarding Heart Friendly Diet among general public with cardiac risk in selected community area, Puducherry. Methodology: The research approach and design selected for this study was quantitative approach and Pre experimental one group pretest posttest group design. The study setting was selected community area at Lawspet, Puducherry. The sample size was 50 which was selected purposive sampling technique. Pretest was done to assess the level of knowledge and practice on heart friendly diet with the help of self-structured questionnaire. Exhibition cum Information Education and Communication (EXPO-IEC) was conducted. Posttest was done on the 7th day using the same tool. Results: The study results revealed that out of 50 adult general public with cardiac risk, majority and 28(56%) had adequate knowledge and 49(98%) had adequate practice. Conclusion: The study concluded that selected EXPO-IEC was very effective in improving knowledge and practice about heart friendly diet among general public with cardiac risk. Exhibition cum Information education and communication, heart friendly diet, general public with cardiac risk. Key words: Exhibition cum Information education and communication, heart friendly diet, general public with cardiac risk.

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