An In Vitro Study on the Accuracy of a Splint for the Transfer of Dental Implants
Rommy Chalacan Galindo, Angel Tul Tipantuña, Maria Flores Araque, Lupe Poussin, Byron Velasquez RonThe purpose of this study is to measure the positional accuracy of transfers during the splinting printing process using four biomaterials (two acrylic resins and two bis acrylic resins). Materials and Methods: A master model was constructed for the acrylic simulation of edentulous mandibles with four multiunit analogs (Bioinnovation, Sao Paulo, Brazil) positioned between the lateral incisor and premolar areas. Eighty samples (n = 80) were created in total. Four different dental materials, Duralay (Reliance, Chicago, IL, USA); Pattern Resin LS (GC, Tokyo, Japan) with a ratio of one part liquid and two parts powder; Structur (Vocco, Colonia, Germany); and Protemp (3 M ESPE, Neus, Germany), were used as splints with five samples each. Measurements were obtained for distances between points A, B, C, and D in sequential order through an INSIZE digital calibrator (Inzise, Taiwan, Seng, China). Results: The results were as follows: Distance A: better performance was observed for Pattern Resin (mean = 38.59 mm) and Duralay (mean = 38.58 mm) compared to the base (mean = 38.59 mm); distance B: Pattern Resin (mean = 19.08 mm) and Duralay (mean = 19.07 mm) were compared to the base (mean = 19.08 mm); distance C: no significant differences in relation to the base (prom = 18.85 mm) were shown for the three materials of Pattern Resin (prom = 18.86 mm), Structur (prom = 18.85 mm), and Duralay (mean = 18.85 mm); and distance D: Pattern Resin (mean = 20.46 mm) and Duralay (mean = 20.46 mm) provided lower performance compared to the base (mean = 20.47 mm), ANOVA (Prob = 0.333 > 0.05). Conclusions: Pattern resins and Duralay acrylic resins exhibit better dimensional stability when used as splints for the transfer of multiple dental implants.