DOI: 10.1002/asna.20230175 ISSN: 0004-6337

An accretion‐jet model for 3C 84: Interpreting the spectral energy distribution and Faraday rotation measure

Jianchao Feng, Xiaowen Wang, Rui Jing
  • Space and Planetary Science
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics


3C 84 is a well‐known supermassive black hole that can be used to explore jet and accretion physics. In this work, we model the multiwavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) of the 3C 84, and find that the SED is difficult to fit with pure advection dominated accretion flow (ADAF) or pure jet model. Using a coupled ADAF‐jet model to fit the SED of 3C 84, it is found that the radio emission and the millimeter emission can be naturally reproduced by the synchrotron radiation of nonthermal electrons in the jet, and that the X‐ray emission may predominantly come from inverse Compton radiation from electrons in ADAF. According to the Rotation Measure (RM) obtained by the polarization observation, we consider the possible location of the polarizing source and found that the calculated RM in the jet is roughly consistent with the observational constraints. These results will help us better understand jets produced by black holes.

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