DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.2601 ISSN: 2376-5992

A novel trace-based sampling method for conformance checking

Heidy M. Marin-Castro, Miguel Morales-Sandoval, José Luis González-Compean, Julio Hernandez

It is crucial for organizations to ensure that their business processes are executed accurately and comply with internal policies and requirements. Process mining is a discipline of data science that exploits business process execution data to analyze and improve business processes. It provides a data-driven approach to understanding how processes actually work in practice. Conformance checking is one of the three most relevant process mining tasks. It consists of determining the degree of correspondence or deviation between the expected (or modeled) behavior of a process vs the real one observed and revealed from the historical events recorded in an event log during the execution of each instance of the process. Under a big data scenario, traditional conformance checking methods struggle to analyzing the instances or traces in large event logs, increasing the associated computational cost. In this article, we study and address the conformance-checking task supported by a traces selection approach that uses representative sample data of the event log and thus reduces the processing time and computational cost without losing confidence in the obtained conformance value. As main contributions, we present a novel conformance checking method that (i) takes into account the data dispersion that exists in the event log data using a statistic measure, (ii) determines the size of the representative sample of the event log for the conformance checking task, and (iii) establishes selection criteria of traces based on the dispersion level. The method was validated and evaluated using fitness, precision, generalization, and processing time metrics by experiments on three actual event logs in the health domain and two synthetic event logs. The experimental evaluation and results revealed the effectiveness of our method in coping with the problem of conformance between a process model and its corresponding large event log.

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